Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let's Go For Things I Like Instead

So since I blasted out the top 10 things that I strongly dislike, I'm going to flip the coin and list things that I just absolutely love or have huge crushes on. I'm even going to try and just put them in a never ending paragraph instead of a nice formatted list...let's hope it works...Here goes...

Clorox clean-up - in any fashion but the smell is mesmerizing to me and the feel of cleaning something with it makes me smile on all levels, beat boxing, cool rain on a hot day, digging my feet into the sand and sitting in the edge of the ocean for hours on end, Danskos, reading raunchy novels, praying in my car, cranking up the music with the windows down singing to the top of my lungs, cube steak with rice & gravy, silver jewelry, Jeffrey's deodorant, playing on the lake, organizing - color-coding - alphabetizing - etc..anything and I do mean anything, smiling, listening to 80's and 90's music, Toby Keith, watching cooking shows wishing that I was really a great healthy chef, dancing of every kind, my family, decorating, jersey knit sheets, Rainbows, cleanliness, soft blankets/pillows, helping others, t-shirts, koozies, music - it's therapy, Heavenly Hash ice cream - Pet brand only, a few cheesy TV shows, the smell of fresh cut grass, sunglasses, bald men, Stone Cold, Wildcat athletics, dark skin, checking off to-do lists, sleeping late, Pier 1, being a student - I'm kind of a dork, college football and baseball and softball and volleyball, clean scented candles, laughing, Diet Dr. Pepper, eating out, competition, making people laugh, tattoos, lotion, positive people, teaching children, a round of golf at Star Fort, shopping for deals, the feeling of accomplishment, conversation - I am a huge fan of conversation - especially ones that have susbstance, texting, neat handwriting, nice teeth, the smell of Skoal Wintergreen, surprises, being tan, #59, compliments, Mizunos, BIG trucks with BIG tires...

The list could continue, however I'm going to leave it ... so it can be continued because I also love adding to lists.

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