Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back By Popular Demand

Okay, Okay, I must admit that I have been rather slack at this attempt at blogging on a regular basis. Lately however, many people have been requesting a new blog post from yours truly. Of course, so many people literally begging for me to let my opinions fly posed great thought on my behalf as to what I could possibly post about on my second attempt at being a great, consistent blogger.

As I began to contemplate my "Great return to blogging," many topics came to mind, and I am listing my TOP 10 below.

1. Top 10-20 things that I STRONGLY dislike
2. Why I am not personally having children but will discipline yours
3. Winter is fashion heaven for pretty plus women
4. Women who fake their love for football just to get a man or keep one
5. Why lots of people ask me to blog yet I only have 4 followers
6. Online shopping...what people buy when nobody is looking
7. My daily I the ONLY person who knows how to drive?
8. What is your current addiction? I think I'm addicted to new addictions.
9. Do I look like I work at Wal-Mart, Target or anywhere else for that matter? No, then I surely don't know what is on Aisle 5.
10. Please, please don't ask my opinion if you do not want it.

Okay little blogees...let me know which post I shall go for first. I think I will try to tackle one each week, or 2 on weeks where I feel extremely froggy or opinionated.


  1. I vote for the following order:

    4, 3, 7, 1, 10, 9, 8, 6, 2, and 5.

  2. Kristen you are crazy!! That's all I gotta stay.

  3. Okay, okay. So you forgot #11 which is the lack of the 96 Wildcat Spirit that a certain someone (who will remain nameless) lacks. You most certainly vent about said person :) Also, I feel that all of these aforementioned topics are very important and deserve a mention. They are all worthy. Oh... by the way. #12 should be snack time at church and the reasons why food during the sermon should be acceptable.

  4. Kim, I will take your voting into consideration. I like that order!

    Hannah, #9 will be a very worthwhile topic.

    Jillian, I have taken #11 and #12 and will deeply think over how I can bring both of these items to the forefront of my blogging. I know they are valid issues that should be addressed and my opinions should be shared.

  5. I personally would like to read all of them but let's start it off with "Women who fake their love for football to get a man or keep one". Certainly 'tis the season' for this one!

  6. I can't wait to see what you have to say about them all!!!

    And by the way...feel free to discipline my children at any time!!!


  7. I am thinking 4, 7, 9, and 10! Let it rip....
